upcoming PREMIERES

April 20, 2024

Cactus Theater

Lubbock, TX



CheyeNne, WY

Our team is humbled to present to you the first official trailer and title of the Lane Frost documentary. Combining the details of his life, the legend he became, and the legacy he left behind brought us a heartwarming story of the impact Lane had on the sport of bull riding, the rodeo community, and fans around the world.

No other individual in rodeo has made an impact on the sport of so far beyond their lives. Through his character, Lane prioritized the community as a whole and the greater good before his own benefit. Through the perspective of several voices close to Lane personally, and those impacted by his lasting legacy on the sport; we will dive deep into the years of relationships that shaped the person we all knew and loved through his inspirational life, sudden death and how far we've come over 30 years later because of the life he lived.

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